Bakseeb - level 28 - 11/22/2016 8 years ago
Dialogue "bubbles"
Forum » Features request and suggestions
admin - level 1 - 11/23/2016 8 years ago
Ok, noted. Will try to add those in the future.
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Bakseeb - level 28 - 11/26/2016 8 years ago
I have a few more ideas - I would love to send a few more suggestions - such as: "She's Lovely" "Damn" "I don't think you ment that?" (If that does not have too many words) and "LOL" as "Ha ha ha" can be interpreted in so many ways. I have plenty more where that came from.
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Robyno83 - Level 90 - 12/04/2016 8 years ago
Sure youre right :D
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Mikey169 - level 0 - 04/16/2017 7 years ago
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philgt - level 6 - 01/24/2018 7 years ago
I think chat boxes would be good too
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It would be nice to be able to chat to the other players with more things to say - such as "WOW" and "Oops" and "I should have folded" "I wish I hadn't folded" The limited options at the moment can be a bit frustrating.
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