Ban the damn cheaters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forum » Features request and suggestions


Cruel - level 38 - 01/29/2018 7 years ago

Cruel avatar

Julien, how about "Ban the cheaters" as a feature request ?!!?!!!!!

How can you allow "dmangina" to still be on the server? Account sharing is FORBIDDEN in Any game! Friends and/or relatives have been playing from his account around the clock (24/24) for the past 2 weeks. Is it that hard to check the IPs and just BAN his ass? Even if it's his little brother drooling over the keyboard watching videos, so the IP would be the same, you should still ban him because everyone on the server has seen him online non-stop for the past 2 weeks or more. Heck if it was just one person there, than he would be dead by now, without sleeping in half a month...

I repeat, in any and all games that is called cheating. Blizzard was banning accounts that were grinding non-stop in Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft, just as an example.
The same applies not only for video games, but for any game. What would it be in Sports where teams would have unlimited substitutes to never be tired. Can you imagine Football with like 200 players on the bench, or they have a limited small number?
Think at Poker, you sit at the table defeat few players - but then their brothers or friends come, and you must keep playing. And they would also share the Chips and prizes...It is bullshit, take action if you want happy players on the server, or just keep a proved cheater that is online like a Bot 24/24.

Just check the logs and ban him. It is already too annoying that one player managed to get double the points of the runner-up. Damn, he almost got enough points in one week to even win the best of the month, if it was a lower activity month...

All of that because he's a god damn frustrated shitty player and started to cheat! Want to know why did he do it? Because I did kick his ass all the time during the first 2 weeks of the month, which by the way I still do with over 90% success. But I cannot compete against his whole family and friends, I need sleep above anything else. Can't stay non-stop and play against a group of people that share the same account. That would be retarded to allow, so just BAN him asap please.

At first I did ignore what he was doing but it started to get extremely annoying, not to mention that he might win best of the month and/or of the year, all because of cheating. He is otherwise a total 'tool' at the game of poker; all luck and no skill. Damn, even AIs play better with the right cards (such a player can only win by cheating)...

I expect you to do the right thing this time, not as you did with "jupi25", when I've sent you messages that he was cheating, yet you've let him play for over a year more until you finally banned him.

Another issue is that the server is lurking with players that have multiple accounts. It seems your account guard system, that should auto-block multiple accounts, is not working properly. You need to check the logs and Ban them manually or just fix the system that should do it. The name of one such cheater is "Zephyr" with numbers and the end of the name. I think I have a screen-shot somewhere in case you need it, but if you check the logs it should be enough. This is just an example, there are many more out there, and it's up to you to ban them. For us, players, it's harder to spot them, when we can only see names and "play-styles" but you have the logs with everything else (names, e-mails, and most important, IPs). Maybe you need a Game Master to handle such issues just like any other video-game has GMs hehehe

I am sorry for the 'wall of text' above, but this stringent issue must be fixed...

Best Regards!
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Bakseeb - level 28 - 02/04/2018 7 years ago

Cruel avatar

I would endorse what you have said above, Cruel, The only way I can think that he can do what he does if he is a total insomniac - and a very sad one at that - to want to play 24/24/7
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Cruel - level 38 - 02/14/2018 7 years ago

Cruel avatar

This fucking asshole just made 8 Points right now (February 14th, around 12:30 hours) without being in any of the 3 Rooms !!!!!!!
I was playing in two of them and watching the 3rd which was Empty waiting for new players !!!

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bibem - level 8 - 06/11/2023 1 year ago

Cruel avatar

Totally agree with you till now after 5 years there is still such player..... The score in only one week is still disguesting, and make the goal for the others player who wants to play and win still impossibl.
Please act for such behavior
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